
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Idle hands are the devils tools

Today was the turning point between me just being bored and wanted to shoot myself in the head just for something to do. I need a job less for the money and more to keep myself busy. I hate being bored and often resort to watching law and order and drinking a lot of tea. This can be entertaining, but after nearly 3 weeks of sitting on my ass I need SOMETHING. Since I have been working so hard on the job search and have a number of resumes pending I decided today would be the day that I would find a hobby. I have a desire to make something, but everything I think of I find a reason why not to do it. I am tired of sitting in front of the computer so that disposes of many hobbies. Also, hobbies typically take a fair amount of money, especially when just starting out, and that is something I dont have right now. So I went through the litany of ideas, photography, painting, drawing, building, constructing, and none of them struck my fancy. Well I did drag out my drawing board and tried drawing Elisabet which failed somewhat miserably. It also is a pain not having anyone to do anything with. Nicole and Ev have school and then homework at night and Kev and Pat simply drink all the time which I am not too keen on.

I want to build a deck or a birdhouse or something. I wish I had my tools. I am not here fishing for idea, I am just venting about my frustration in not finding anything to do. I just want something to show for my time sitting around. Maybe I will learn to crochet. I JUST WANT TO BE PRODUCTIVE!!!!! It is the only thing that will keep my mind off Elisabet.

At the very least Lost is on tonight.

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