
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Idle hands are the devils tools

Today was the turning point between me just being bored and wanted to shoot myself in the head just for something to do. I need a job less for the money and more to keep myself busy. I hate being bored and often resort to watching law and order and drinking a lot of tea. This can be entertaining, but after nearly 3 weeks of sitting on my ass I need SOMETHING. Since I have been working so hard on the job search and have a number of resumes pending I decided today would be the day that I would find a hobby. I have a desire to make something, but everything I think of I find a reason why not to do it. I am tired of sitting in front of the computer so that disposes of many hobbies. Also, hobbies typically take a fair amount of money, especially when just starting out, and that is something I dont have right now. So I went through the litany of ideas, photography, painting, drawing, building, constructing, and none of them struck my fancy. Well I did drag out my drawing board and tried drawing Elisabet which failed somewhat miserably. It also is a pain not having anyone to do anything with. Nicole and Ev have school and then homework at night and Kev and Pat simply drink all the time which I am not too keen on.

I want to build a deck or a birdhouse or something. I wish I had my tools. I am not here fishing for idea, I am just venting about my frustration in not finding anything to do. I just want something to show for my time sitting around. Maybe I will learn to crochet. I JUST WANT TO BE PRODUCTIVE!!!!! It is the only thing that will keep my mind off Elisabet.

At the very least Lost is on tonight.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And the Kaviar River runs dry.

I knew it was inevitable, but that doesn't damper the pain from finishing my first, last and only bottle of Kalles Kaviar. For those of you who don't know officially Kaviar "is a smoothish paste made with slightly smoked cod roe, rapeseed oil, salt and other spices and preservatives." Unofficially it is the nectar of the gods and is squeezed from the teat of Neptune, God of the Sea. It sounds somewhat revolting, but trust me when I say that it is tasty beyond comprehension. I am fairly certain that Elisabet purposefully addicted me to it to that I will always be reliant on her for my fix. I hope to break that reliance by finding some Kaviar for sale here in the states, but the chances are slim. Oh and Kalles is solely to thank for my newfound love for fresh tomatoes. There is nothing quite like a piece of toast with Kaviar, fresh sliced tomatoes, and thinly sliced swiss cheese. I have to stop talking about this now or I am going to eat my laptop.

I applied for a job at a specialty soup shop today and hope to hear back by tomorrow if I am hired. I am fairly certain that I am awesome enough to work there, however I may have shot myself in the foot by stating my distaste for working friday and saturday nights. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut. Anyways, the pay isnt great but there are tips and the chance to pick up more hours, plus I am going to go crazy without something to do with my time other then thinking about Elisabet.

Nothing makes me want to own my own business more then applying for jobs. I cannot help but feel like a bum and a con man trying to get people to hire me. I wish I had job experience in areas that actually interest me, like teaching.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Skype, a blessing and a curse

The first thing I would recommend to any couple living far far far apart from each other is to invest in Skype. Be warned though, I do not make this recommendation lightly. If there was ANY OTHER WAY for us to talk I would take it, but unfortunately American Cellular companies head offices can be located on the sixth and seventh circles of hell so they aren't much help.

For those four or five people on earth who do not know what Skype is then let me give you the low down. Skype is an internet phone service that is cheap. Thats it. You can call anywhere for next to nothing, all you need is a computer, the internet, and a headset. Sounds great huh? It is, until you realize that you are saying "what did you say?" every 10 seconds and that your voice will be dropped for 10 seconds for no apparent reason. It doesnt seem like a big deal at first, especially taking into account how cheap and easy it is, but trust me, you slowly begin to rue the day skype was first brought into this world.

confirmation of certified mail delivery

Well I sent out my nearly one pound novel of an application on Friday and received confirmation yesterday (Monday) that it had been received by someone with illegible handwriting. Hopefully they work at the embassy and arent just some hobo standing outside who told the mailman that he was the Swedish Ambassador. I should have wrote "No food or money inside" on the packet just for such a situation. God I hope that doesn't bite me in the ass.

Well assuming that it actually was received by the Consulate General of Sweden in New York then from what I have gathered I have around a month to sit on my butt and wait to hear about my inevitable interview. Here you are lucky enough to learn a little something about me, I hate tests. The only thing I hate more then tests? ORAL TESTS. So here I am, a month away from taking one of the most important "oral tests" of my life and I am already terrified. It doesn't help when I have some people telling me the interview is a piece of cake and others saying that I need to know the name of her dads first pet. I don't even know the name of one of my parents pets, let along their first.

It really is not big deal though, I mean why should I be worried? It isn't like this interview is going to decide the future of Elisabet and I....

the contents

I spent a lot of time compiling information for use in my application. I wanted to be damn sure that I wouldn't have to search for something at the last minute or ask for Elisabet to mail me some crucial document. The only items I got her to send me that weren't specifically requested by the embassy were a letter of recommendation from both her and her parents as well as our skype history. I had heard on Amerikanska that both could help in the application process so who am I to argue? Other then that the only other things I included were copies of photographs, emails, and letters. There were also a couple of ticket stubs and receipts from our time with each other that I figured could hurt either.

On second though, maybe I should wait and talk about what I included with my application until I hear back from the embassy. I may have put all of the wrong items in with the application so lets wait and see if they request more information or send back my application with the word DENIED stamped across the front in large block letters.

the obligitory introduction

Me and Elisabet first met through the amazing website "" (whose praises I will sing at a later date) and I just recently returned from a trip to see her in Sweden. I like my privacy so excuse me if I sound vague but we realized just how much we love each other and here I am, stuck in America, away from her, and keeping myself busy working on my Swedish Residency Visa Application and attempting to find a job. I am hoping to move out to Sweden and in with Elisabet by the middle of August so between now and then I am just trying to earn money and keep myself sane. All of which is proving difficult as jobs are scarce and my sanity is kept in check by Elisabet who is currently 7/16ths of the way around the world.

I am hoping this will serve as a chronicle of my adventures in moving (legally) to Sweden and might be able to help some other poor American who has fallen for a Swedish temptress and her Nordic wiles. This blog also acts as a tool to aid in my failing battle to keep my sanity by keeping me busy.