
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The joys of the gainfully employed

After not earning any money for nearly 2 months I am finally employed. I got hired as the prep cook for The Soup Shop, a specialty soup joint located right next to campus. The hours and pay are fairly lackluster, but I am earning money and that is all that matters at this point. I am definitely going to actively search for another part time job as well, but atleast I will be earning enough to break even. Still though, I have a transoceanic move coming up in a couple of months and desperately need to save some money for that and all of the unforeseen costs I am sure will appear at the last minute. In addition to that, there are no guarantees that I will have found a job in Sweden before I leave and so I think it is surely a sound idea to have some savings to lean on while searching. I am seriously considering an active search for online work as I can do it anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, from what I have found the pay for internet based jobs is not all that great.

It is times like these that make me rue the day I decided to get a photography degree. It simply is not marketable.

I am currently watching the History Channel as I type this out and something occurred to me. Why is it deemed necessary for translations to be made in the accent of the person being translated? There was a man speaking in German and the translator put on a terribly fake German accent as he spoke. It just seems silly that they do that.

I dont think I have anything left to say. Well other then its bullshit Hillary won Ohio and Texas. Utter bullshit. God I cant wait to get the hell out of this ridiculous country. HOW COULD YOU PEOPLE BE SWAYED BY A FEAR MONGERING SUCCUBUS?!?!?! Please just open your eyes and ears. She is a spiteful, evil, manipulative woman who desires power, not to help the people of this country. Youtube "Hillary Clinton corruption" and you will get a taste of what I am talking about.

1 comment:

Madeleine said...

Please Quinn, U can´t update your blog this often. I have no time to read.... :P