
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Skype, a blessing and a curse

The first thing I would recommend to any couple living far far far apart from each other is to invest in Skype. Be warned though, I do not make this recommendation lightly. If there was ANY OTHER WAY for us to talk I would take it, but unfortunately American Cellular companies head offices can be located on the sixth and seventh circles of hell so they aren't much help.

For those four or five people on earth who do not know what Skype is then let me give you the low down. Skype is an internet phone service that is cheap. Thats it. You can call anywhere for next to nothing, all you need is a computer, the internet, and a headset. Sounds great huh? It is, until you realize that you are saying "what did you say?" every 10 seconds and that your voice will be dropped for 10 seconds for no apparent reason. It doesnt seem like a big deal at first, especially taking into account how cheap and easy it is, but trust me, you slowly begin to rue the day skype was first brought into this world.

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